Safety Testing

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Safety Testing

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Mechanical Strength

Electrical Insulation

Connection to a mains supply



Protection of telecommunication network serice persons from hazards in the eqiupment


Interconnection of Equipment

Constructional Requirements

Protection against hazardous moving parts

Abnormal operating and fault conditions

Protection against the spread of fire

Durability of markings

Determination of accessible parts

Determination of accessible voltage

Measuring Circuits for accessible current

Plugs and Connectors

Impedance of Protective Bonding of plug-connected equipment

Impedance of Protective Bonding of Permanently Connected Equipment

Wiring Terminals for connection of external conductors

Clearances and Creepage Distances

Procedure for dielectric strenght tests

Fitting of non-detachable MAINS supply cords

Enclosure Rigidity test: Dynamic test

Limited-energy Circuit

Thermal requirements